" The messages I relate to you all, I do not tell just from Myself; the Father, who dwells in Me carries on His activities" ~ John 14:10, Berkeley
When we look "unto Jesus," we also look unto the Father. Father and Son are two and yet they are inseparable. We should not try to understand this with our intellects. We cannot. We should permit the third person in the glorious Godhead, the Holy Spirit, simply to do what Jesus promised He would do --- make it clear to us. The Holy Spirit, if you allow Him, will cause you to realize everything needful for your victorious life. A little over seven years ago, as I [Eugenia Price, the author] write these pages, I knew nothing of the things of God. I have not been academically trained in them during these seven years. And yet, this dear Holy Spirit has caused me to realize truths which continue to revolutionize my life. My part is simply to stay open to Him.

And one of the truths He has recently made clear to me is that when I realize Christ's presence within me, I will also realize the presence of the Father in e too. Dr. Walter Wilson put this into words once as I walked beside him at Winona Lake, Indiana. It arrested my attention, but it was not quite real to me, until I asked the Holy Spirit to make it real. Now, I thrill to the fact that our "red stone" verse at the top of this page. If Christ dwells in me, then so does the Father, and He "carries on His activities." Ask the Holy Spirit right now to make real to you the indwelling presence of the Father too. And then trust Him to do it at exactly the right time.
"On that day you will recognize that I am in my father, and you in me and I in you."
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