"Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name" ~ Psalm 91:14
We would never need to pray for humility, if we would permit the Holy Spirit to show us into the depths of this "red stone." Because in its depths we find the nature of the depths of the heart of God Himself. It is impossible to
give love unless you can also
receive it. And in one sense this is true with God also.

Since God
is love, He needs love in return. If we are far from Him at this moment, our glimpse into the depths of this "red stone" will cause us to want to turn the page, throw the book aside, or fall on our knees and "return." The human heart
cannot remain hard and icy when it is laid up against a heart like the one Jesus showed us on Calvary. The very thought of God's heart needing our love in response to His, melts through the most thoroughly frozen human heart.

When I [Eugenia Price, the author] read the book of Proverbs that His "delights were with the sons of men," my heart began to melt. In fact, I read it on the very morning of the day He took me as His own. To think that Christ wanted to be with me! I could not take it in. The Holy Spirit had to reveal it to me. And here, in this amazing "red stone" verse, we hear God again declaring that He wants our love first of all.

God will deliver you from your temptation freely and willing if you will love Him. If you will begin, even in a very small way to respond to His loving advances toward you. He wants to be intimate with us. He longs to be familiar to us. He says He will set us "on high," out of danger because we know His name. He wants His name to be the most familiar one of all to us. The only responsibility we ever have is to belong to Christ. And to listen to Him as He says over and over again to us:
"Fear not; for I have redeemed thee; I have called the by thy name, thou art mine."
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