"Because straight is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it" ~ Matthew 7:14
Some of us seem to take these very words of Jesus and use them as grounds for judging. Use them to twist His original meaning to our advantage. Shame breaks upon us when we are willing to let this "clear stone" split to show our sin of judging one another, glibly using Christ's own words in the process.
Jesus stated a fact when He remarked that the gate to the victorious life is strait and the way into oneness with Himself is narrow. I'm [Eugenia Price, the author] glad that it is. Otherwise, knowing myself, I'd stray in this direction and that and lose my way. It is joyfully narrow. It holds no dark corners and no bypaths to explore. It is just wide enough for us to always be able to see Jesus up ahead, walking it first. It is wonderfully simple because it is wonderfully narrow. Jesus was simply stating a fact.
And we twist that fact to make us somehow seem superior because we have not entered into the "wide gate" or because we no longer walk the "broad way". What a relief and what shame come at once when we realize over and over again that the Lord Jesus knows our hearts! He knew we'd twist this statement to our advantage. And so before He said what He said about the "narrow way" with few upon it, He took care to command us not to judge one another. The follower of Jesus Christ is the last person on earth who should feel exclusive. "... narrow is the way, and few there be that find it." This is true. But these few have not found it by their own superior efforts. And the number is not few because of the merit of the "few". The number is few because these follow a Master who ---
"... took a towel ... and began to wash the disciples' feet ..."
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