ETERNAL life is eternal life. It is the very life of God Himself. "... I am the resurrection and the life ... I am the way, the truth and the life ..." Jesus did not say He would show us a better way of life. He not a "way-shower" as the modern cult would have us believe. He Himself, is the way. He Himself, is the life. That's why we can know that when Jesus walks up to a man or woman dead in sin, life inevitably results. If that person believes in Jesus as eternal life itself. Where He is, death cannot remain. Things and people spring to life around Jesus. It's inevitable."... Whosoever lieth and believeth in me shall never die ..." ~ John 11:26a

God continues working out His Purpose among our loved ones who have actually never even been in those graves we decorate. God would be retrogressing if He raised some now. He has done much more than that. He has given us Himself and He is eternal life. We already know this if ---
" ... we trust in the living God who is the Saviour of all men, specially of those that believe."
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