"But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God and not of us" ~ 2 Corinthians 4:7
Power does belong unto God. The power that is powerful enough to give us victory over all temptation
has to belong only to God. Only God could be the source of power like that! And it is good that we have this "treasure" in earthen vessels; otherwise the "excellency of the power" would seem to be of us and not of God. The power is the very life of the indwelling Christ. God Himself, come to live in our mortal bodies. The whole idea is too high for me [Eugenia Price, the author]. I cannot take it in. But I can be possessed by the One who can not only understand it, but whose idea it has been from before the beginning.

Thank God, the power is in earthen vessels such as our mortal bodies. Those of us who have lived as adults not knowing the Presence within us, devoid of all access to this power over temptation, understand the quiet desperation that is choking the hearts of those who walk the streets of the world without this power. Nothing works right without it. It may seem to for a time. I was even quite happy during certain periods of my life before Christ came in. But I had no power over myself. No power to resist temptation. The alcoholic will understand this. But the powerless life is not restricted to the alcoholic without Christ. It is the desperate lot of every "earthen vessel" walking around in the dark --- empty of God. But when Christ comes into that "earthen vessel" the quiet desperation goes out, leaving behind deep gratitude that things are as they are. If the power were of us, we would break ourselves over it. I am glad that I know at last that without Him I can do nothing. But He has said:
"My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness ..."
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