Every year over 1 million women are newly diagnosed with breast cancer worldwide. Chances are, at some point, you will know one of these women and could empower her with important information to help make a personalized treatment decision.
It is not well known that for some types of early-stage breast cancer, if 100 women are treated with chemotherapy, only one or two, if any, will benefit; whereas in other types, more than 30 women will benefit from this treatment. There is a test that can help women and their physicians determine what’s right for them.
http://www.untileverywomanknows.com/en/Video.aspx (Please Copy and Paste)
Everyone has a story of being affected by breast cancer. These are stories of courage and suffering. Let's work toward a time when there are fewer of such stories to tell. Let's commit as a nation to eliminating the environmental and other preventable causes of breast cancer. We simply can't afford not to.
http://www.thebreastcancersite.com/clickToGive/home.faces?siteId=2 (Please copy, paste and click to help give a mammogram today.)
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